Strategic plan 2025- 2027

Wilde Ganzen fights poverty by supporting the small-scale, concrete projects of local partner organisations. We are unique on two fronts: cooperation with private development initiatives (PDIs) in the Netherlands and local fundraising in the Global South. And we co-initiated the debate on the theme of shift the power in the Dutch sector of international cooperation.

The choices we are making for the coming years are based on people-centred principles, localisation and shift the power.

You can read all about our goals in the Strategic Plan 2025- 2027: Back to basics.

Download the Strategic Plan 2025-2027

Annual report 2023

2023 was a great year for the Wilde Ganzen Foundation. We supported over 330 projects across more than 50 countries. We also devoted extra attention to local community participation and learned a lot from the participatory grant-making pilots in which communities themselves decide what the money is spent on.

Our Change the Game Academy programme provided training to over 490 organisations, strengthening their skills in local fundraising and mobilising support. We also launched the Blue Ambition Fund, a new programme supporting youth employment and entrepreneurship in Asia and Africa. These milestones reflect our shared commitment to creating sustainable, community-led progress.

Read our annual report 2023

Annual report 2022

After the lockdown years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world began to reopen in 2022. It was also a special year as 2022 marked the 65th anniversary of the Wilde Ganzen Foundation. We ended the year with a total of 273 supported projects.

Annual report 2021

The coronavirus pandemic in 2021 meant that we were faced with great uncertainties. Despite the challenges, we supported 283 projects, and launched Giving for Change, a new programme focussed on local fundraising and local ownership.

Theory of Change

Our Theory of Change outlines the impact and social change we aim to create as a result of our work. We envision a world where people living in poverty can, in their own strength, improve their situation and build a better future. To contribute to this change, we follow three strategies, detailed in our Theory of Change.