The Change the Game Academy

Change the Game Academy strengthens the capacities of social changemakers to effectively raise resources locally and mobilise other forms of domestic support. Change the Game Academy is a joint initiative of social change organisations from 16 countries, together constituting the Change the Game Academy Alliance.

Many civil society organisations in low and middle-income countries depend on foreign funding for their work. This vulnerability places them at risk of working donor-driven. Change the Game Academy’s objective is to end this dependency by supporting autonomous organisations in building constituencies and mobilising local (financial) support for their work. This transfers power to communities and enables them to shape their future.

Strengthening community agency

Mobilising local resources makes communities self-sufficient and financially more autonomous. It increases community engagement and local ownership. Plus organisations with a local support base are more rooted, legitimate and therefore better positioned to hold their governments accountable.

What do we offer?

Learning resources in the area of:

  • Local Fundraising: mobilising resources locally.
  • Mobilising Support and Social Accountability: mobilising support from stakeholders, claiming rights and holding governments accountable through civic participation.

How it works

At Change the Game Academy, changemakers can find various ways to strengthen themselves and their team:

  • Enroll in a classroom course combined with individual coaching, offered in 16+ countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Training materials are contextualised for each country and trainings are delivered by in-country certified trainers.
  • Join online classroom courses combined with coaching, which are organised based on demand.
  • Gain knowledge, skills and inspiration through the free online learning platform, choosing from two full-length courses on local fundraising and mobilising support.
  • Draw inspiration from the 300 case studies, created by alumni in 17 countries who contributed their stories and data.

Here you can download the Change the Game brochure.

Brochure Change the Game

Learn to mobilise local funds and support for your organisation.